We have just received the great news that Amar Fayaz has been released on 3 January 2021.
The security agencies dropped him at his village.
Amar’s release is possible through the immense and successful international campaign by students, youth and workers from all around the world.
We will update our supporters as we get more details on Amar’s release.
We thanks all our supporters for their immense support, campaigning, petition and solidarity actions for the release of Amar Fayaz.
Amar Fayaz was abducted by the state security agencies on 8 November 2020 at around 1:30 a.m. Men in two security services vehicle along with three police cars abducted Amar in the city of Jamshoro in Sindh Province of Pakistan.
Until his release, his whereabouts was not known by his friends and family including his wife and a daughter.
Immediately Pakistan Trade Union Solidarity Campaign initiated a solidarity campaign of #ReleaseAmarFayaz internationally.

We initiated an online petition in which we successfully managed to get 12,282 signatures from 50 countries. This is the largest signature campaign we had so far. Thanks to our supporters. Our supporters shared the petition to their friends, families and contacts that resulted in the high number of signatures. Pakistani authorities and embassies were made aware of the numbers of signatures from various countries.

Online petition count !
In many countries, there were COVID-19 lockdown situations restricted outdoor gathering. However, in a few countries with rather loose COVID-19 restrictions, supporters organised peaceful protests outside Pakistani embassies and demanded the release of Amar Fayaz. Supporters chanted slogans, hold banners and placards and presented letters to the embassy. In several occasions, peaceful protesters were harassed by the embassy and local security officials.
A day of action was organised in Canada where supporters initiated a massive campaign of protests in front of Pakistan missions in Canada in Toronto, Vancouver, Ontario and Montreal, alongside sending letters and emails to Pakistani officials and making mainstream media representations.

Our supporters gathered the support of their local Members of Parliaments and Trade Union leaders for Amar Fayaz release.
An Early Day Motion was presented in British Parliament sponsored by several MPs including Apsana Begum MP, Dan Carden MP, Zahra Sultana MP and Jeremy Corbyn MP.
Furthermore, a process was triggered to present motion in the Canadian Parliament sponsored by Niki Ashton MP.
Major trade union Presidents sent letters of support and demanded Amar’s release including CUPE Canada, Amalgamate Transit Union Canada, UNIFOR Canadian Freelance Union, Workers United Canada Council, Independent Workers MPs from Chile, Provincial deputy of Santa Fe Argentina, Argentinian Socialist Workers Party, CGIL Trade Union Confederation Italy, Socialist workers’ Union (ACOD-CGSP) Belgium
In Sweden, an independent Socialist MP, Amineh Kakabaveh, signed a protest letter to the Pakistan Embassy and several Left Party MPs were in the process of sending letters to Pakistan.
In Germany, we gained the support of Tobias Pflüger, a Die Linke MP of the Bundestag, who wrote to the Pakistani embassy in Berlin in his capacity as Chairman of the German-South Asia Parliamentary Friendship Group.
This is just a short report of the international solidarity campaign for Amar Fayaz release. We have thousands of our supporters and comrades who showed their immense support through signing a petition; regularly posted pictures and appeals in their social media including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok; wrote to Pakistani authorities and made media representations.
Now Amar Fayaz is released, it’s great news and a much greater victory for our supporters. Amar Fayaz campaign shows that when it comes to oppressing students and workers, an injury to one is an injury to all. Only through a united and joint international struggle we are able to win against all attacks on youth and workers by the forces of oppression.
Pakistan Trade Union Solidarity Campaign will continue to raise voice against all brutalities on students and workers in Pakistan and around the world and will work with our network of supporters and comrades for our campaigns.
Through your support, we will keep our international campaigns alive and successful.