Against state persecution of socialists in Pakistan
Protests are organised in different places in solidarity with Rawal Asad demanding his release. Students, workers and trade unionists are concerned with the persecution of socialists and activists in Pakistan who waging peaceful struggles against state brutalities and capitalists exploitation in Pakistan. Below are accounts of few selected protests in different places around the world. To download updated protest poster and leaflet to adapt, please see below this page.
United States

United Kingdom
A protest is planned in front of Pakistan High Commission London on Wednesday 20 February 2019 at 1pm.
The Facebook event page for the protest is here
Below is the protest call leaflet/poster for the event

The protest took place on 20th February 2019 in front of Pakistan High Commission London as planned. A petition signed by 600 people was also presented to the High Commissioner along with a strong message to release Rawal Asad. Activists, students and workers were demanding release of Rawal Asad.
Today at Cambridge and District Trade Council Annual General Meeting, participants raised slogans for the Release of Rawal Asad and demand Pakistani state to stop persecuting activists in Pakistan. Cambridge and District Trade Council represents 21 Trade Union Branches in Cambridge District. It is an umbrella body representing thousands of workers in the district particularly within the University, public service bodies, food and retail, and high-tech manufacturing sector.

A protest call is given by Canadian students and workers in Ontario on Wednesday 20 February 2019 at 12:00 infront of Cousulate General of Pakistan at 7880 Keele St #14, Concord, ON L4K 4G7, Canada
Previously, Canadian students, workers and socialists have shown overwhelming support and solidarity for Rawal Asad and demanded his release.
The Facebook event page for the protest is available here
The Protest in front of Pakistan Consulate wet as planned. Comrades showed solidarity with Pakistani activists and demanded release of Rawal Asad. Furthermore, participants chanted slogans for a combined struggle exploitation and oppression.

A protest was held in Sweden in front of Pakistani embassy by students and activists demanding immediate release of Rawal Asad and to stop victimizing socialists in Pakistan who are genuinely struggling peacefully for the rights of poor and oppressed people.

El Salvador

Download protest leaflets
To download editable leaflets for protest call and campaign leaflets, please download the following:

Download this poster for protests from this link
In case you have difficulty reading urdu fonts and it is jumbled up, please download and install urdu fonts from here. (please install Jameel Noori Nastaleeq, it is much cooler)
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