On 8 November at around 1:30 a.m., men in two security services vehicle along with three police cars, abducted comrade Amar Fayaz in Jamshoro, Sindh. He was sitting near the gate of Liaqat Medical University in Jamshoro when this incident happened. No one knows his whereabouts since then even Amar’s family – wife and a daughter.
We appeal to all comrades and supporters to help for Amar’s release!
Fayaz has been affiliated with Progressive Youth Alliance (PYA) for some years and is involved in the struggle for free education for all, restoration of student unions and employment for all.
Family and Friends of Amar Fayyaz approached local police station but Police have been unable to explain this abduction and have not registered a case against Amar, till date.
Sindh has become a hotbed for corrupt practices by security services and police, owing to the recent events involving the abduction of police chief by another security services – resolved when Army chief intervened himself to sort the issue.
In recent months, abductions of political workers have become routine, with victims being severely tortured during abductions and kept in inhuman conditions without any legal authority. Many have died during this ordeal, for which no one is ever punished.
PTUS Campaign severely condemns this barbarism of the secret services and police in Pakistan, which are allowed to act with impunity.
We demand that, if Amar Fayaz has committed any crime, he should be presented before a court of law and a legal case should be registered against him.
Pakistani state has failed to provide the basic necessities of life to a huge majority of the population. In the last two years, tens of millions have been thrown into unemployment and extreme poverty, while the ruling class lives in a state of luxury and abundance. Reports of suicides due to poverty have become common in the country amid increasing levels of mental health problems. Reports of parents committing suicide along with killing their children due to extreme poverty and hunger are surfacing. Meanwhile, the loot and plunder of the ruling class have reached new extremes, with basic items like wheat flour, sugar and petrol being hoarded or smuggled, creating an artificial shortage of these items leading to skyrocketing prices. No one is ever punished or held responsible for these brutal crimes, which lead to the economic massacre of the population. The price of medicines has been raised up to 500 per cent by the current government in recent months, due to which the number of people dying needlessly has reached new heights across the country.
In this situation, struggle of young people like Amar Fayaz is a ray of hope to youth and workers in Pakistan. He is a committed youth activist struggling against increasing university fees and state brutality on students.
Secret services are being used to brutally crush any form of dissent and efforts to organise the working class. The abduction of Amar Fayaz is also a part of this process going on in the country.
Students and workers vows to struggle against this illegal abduction, and are organising protests across the country demanding Amar’s immediate release.
PTUS appeal for international solidarity for Amar’s release.
How can you support Amar Fayaz?

1. Sign and share the petition.
Link to Petition

2. Download and adapt the Motion and present to your union branch or organisation meeting. (Download)
(Do let us know in case you need us to send you a speaker for your branch or in a union event to speak on students and workers struggle in Pakistan by emailing contact@pakistansolidarity.org.
Can also join though Zoom, Teams or Skype.)

3. Post a picture/video
using hashtags #ReleaseAmarFayaz on social media, Download (Poster).

4. Send Email to Pakistan High Commission, Embassy or consulate in your country (Country Office list at http://mofa.gov.pk/mission-abroad/).
Download Sample-Email-Text

5.Send Email to Pakistani State
TO (Copy/Paste):
Director-General of Rangers <help@pakistanrangerssindh.org>;
Minister of Interior Islamabad
<secretary@interior.gov.pk>; <ds.admn.moi@gmail.com>
CC to (Copy/Paste)
Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan <info@pmo.gov.pk>; PTUS Campaign <contact@pakistansolidarity.com>
Download Sample Email Text

5. Organise a protest
in front of the Pakistan embassies or consulates in your cities with your colleagues and contacts and present letter to the Embassy. Click here to download:
– Sample Protest Poster (in Powerpoint)
– Sample Letter to Embassy during the protest (in Word)
Post Pictures in social media with hashtag #ReleaseAmarFayaz
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